Saturday, July 7, 2012


Nothing is better for a baby than breast milk.

Breast feeding is very natural and is tremendously vital to the development of an infant. As I researched other countries I noticed that in Ghana the women are very open to breastfeeding  but their religion does not allow them to breast feed in public. In West Africa breast feeding is the primary means for feeding a baby. Also, in West Africa breast are not classified as a symbol of sex. It is seen as a means for providing nutrients to infants.

Even though I was unable to produce the amount of milk needed to feed my babies, I believe that breast feeding is very important and the nutrients in breast milk are better than the ingredients in the leading brands of formula. 

Got Breast Milk?


  1. We are encouraged to breastfeed to give our child the best possible start in life. All the research tells us how it will provide the best possible nutrition and boost their immune system. I remember the lactation specialist making sure I intended to breastfeed and seeing to it that I knew how to do it properly, and the baby latched on correctly. More than anything, I remember how good breastfeeding made me feel, and how conscious I was of everything I put in my mouth.
    In many poor countries breastfeeding is the primary source of nutrition for a newborn or infant. Unfortunately, many of these women are not adequately nourished themselves to provide the infant with the full benefits of breastfeeding.

  2. This hits home for me. My wife was also not able to produce the amount of milk necessary to breastfeed. She was pressured to continue trying even though she was not producing enough. We saw the importance of this as well and are happy that our son was able to get some breast milk into him while he could.

  3. in deed mama's milk is best.

    Here in Nigeria mothers are being encouraged to breast feed their babies more, they now recommend 6mths exclusive brestfeeding for newborns. but this can be a challenge for working mums like me. for my boys i could only do 4.5 months because it came to a time that each boy was wanting more than i could express.

    breastfeeding for me will always be number done,

  4. I too was unable to produce enough milk to breast feed. I believe that it is the healthiest way to provide nutrients to the infant if the mother is mindful of her remaining healthy throughout the process.
