Thursday, July 19, 2012

It doesn't matter if you are black or white...

Racism! What a nasty disease to have but unfortunately many have suffered and continues to suffer from a disease stemmed from hatred. Growing up in the south I have been treated differently on many occasions but nothing close to what my dad and grandparents has endured. My dad remembers going to school with all African Americans because Caucasians went to schools that were a little better. It is noticed that in many school districts the schools that are in predominately Caucasians communities are a bit nicer that those in the African American community. Racism still exists today in many areas of the world. 

                                  Does it really matter if you are black or white?


  1. Hi Stef,
    I like the the picture and comment "Does it really matter if you are black or white." It is extremely sad that people are still experiencing racism in this country and the school system is allowing it. For as much as we learn about being positive role models in our children's lives, why is the government still allowing this type of hateful treatment to children either from caregiver and/or parents? I guest these are questions that we might never understand the answers for because of people different ways of thinking. Thanks for a great posting.

  2. Stephanie,

    I agree that racism is like a terrible disease that affects many of us. I think we sometimes convince ourselves that because we had the civil rights movement and there were laws passed, racism no longer exists, but it does. I just find that it is more subtle, and does seem to decrease with every new generation, but we have a long way to go before Dr. King's dream is realized because many of us are still judged by the color of our skin.

  3. This type of behavior still occurs in the north as well. I was lucky enough to not have to deal with it very much. I was in private school my entire life so I was closer to being on an even playing field. It saddens me that this type of behavior still occurs at all. One of my main goals as an educator is to ensure that in my classroom this type of behavior does not occur.

  4. Steffanie, I remember stories that my grandmother use to tell me about witnessing someone being hanged in the middle of town at the courthouse. She was just a little girl and someone put her on their shoulders so that she could see. What an awful thing to witness. She never forgot the horrible experience.
