Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

I am An American!!

When I think about the personal side of bias, prejudice and oppression I think about the movie "The Help". Many of us are familiar with the plot as the movie highlighted racism in the South. As I watched the movie I was amazed at how the movie depicted the struggle that African- American maids endured. The movie displayed prejudice as well as oppression. The character Skeeter uncovered the problem that the maids were experiencing in Mississippi. With the help of Aibileen Clark and  Minny Jackson along with many other maids Skeeter was able to shine a light on a big problem which included Hilly and her crew of Caucasian women asking their maids to use a toilet that was outside of the house as if being "Black" meant that one carried a disease that was contagious. My oh my! How Ms. Hilly got a taste of her own medicine when she ate a piece of pie that was made out of Minny's fecal matter.  As I watched the movie I was a little upset at how African Americans were treated in the past and to see that many of us still have to deal with racism is simply ridiculous and it is almost a double slap in the face. In order for racism to change the mindset of people must change. We were all created equal in the eyesight of God therefore it amazes me that one ethnicity believes that they are superior to other ethnic groups.
                                    We need some HELP!!!


  1. Hi Stephanie

    Thanks for sharing the movie. Your sharing made me to think what Dalai Lama said, "We must recognize that the suffering of one person or one nation is the suffering of humanity". It is the "isms" that afford superiority for some and present inferiority for others. We should stop our societies to perpetuate these isms. Wong

  2. Thanks Stephanie for sharing “The Help” with us, I live in Mississippi and sadly to say I have not seen the movie. Mostly because I hate to see movies about racism, I was raised by my grandmother she shared a lot of her past generation of racism with me. I really hate the mindset of certain people, I am black, and I have experienced a lot of racism. I am so glad my grandmother shared her experiences with me, that’s why it was so important to her and myself, to get a good education so I could make a better life for myself and my family.

  3. I have not seen the movie but feel like I would feel the same as you did. It is sad to say that that type of behavior does still occur in our country. Many people think that it only occurs in the south but the reality is that the north is a place where racism and prejudice still occur. The people in the north are more discrete about it in many cases. I have personally been the recipient of this behavior and I live in New York. I have had people not give me an opportunity when someone who was the sam as me in every way except for skin color was given the opportunity. Great post!

  4. The Help is a great example for this assignment. It is hard to understand this type of prejudice and oppression. It is hard to imagine this kind of hate and misunderstanding.

  5. Steffanie I agree with The Help being a great example for this assignment. I saw the movie and was not at all surprised at some of the things I saw because I still see some of the racism today. How can a Caucasian allow an African American to cook food for their family and raise their children, but not use their bathroom?
