Saturday, April 27, 2013

Professional Hopes and Goals

There is so much that I would like to do to add to the field of education which include: positivity, patience and equality! Our children need teachers that are understanding and positive. I am tired of young teachers treating children as if they do not have feelings... How sad! It is also time for teachers to treat ALL children fair! It does not matter if they are gifted or not! EQUALITY & EQUITY!!!! 

This last week has been really hard on me!!!! Things will get better!  I am appreciative for an understanding professor! Thank you to those that  post comments to my blog as well as those that just look at my blog! You ROCK!!!! As we embrace this call to serve our future let's remember the end results! 

             Take a bow.... it's almost over!


  1. You are so right. I have witnessed teachers treat young children as if they do not have feelings simply because they are children. I have enjoyed reading your posts throughout this course. Great illustrations AND posts. Good luck on all your future goals.

  2. Positivity, patience and equality, those are three great qualities to add to the profession. The way we treat children is an example we set for society, and it is important we treat them with respect.

  3. Stefanie I really enjoyed reading this blog, I also would to add to the field of education which include: positivity, patience and equality. Teachers should be positive, have a positive attitude and a good learning environment for all children. I hope to hear more from you in next class, GOD BLESS!!!!
