Saturday, March 23, 2013

Perspective on diversity and culture

When I think about diversity and culture there are many
thoughts that come to mind. First is a Princess: she has to wave a certain way, walk a certain way and she has to have a certain level of training in the department of etiquette. That is the culture of a princess! It's the same with a butterfly they are all different yet they are all beautiful. Their diversity makes them stand out and add more color to our environment.

#1:   Culture:  People beliefs, every city and state has their own culture. Every ethnicity has their own culture: their own way of doing things.
Diversity: Dealing with the people from unique ethnic groups.

#2: Culture: A persons environment. Person 2 stated that she was raised in a Godly home and was raised to read the bible at night before bedtime. Therefore “my culture was a strict environment that had no room for failure.”
Diversity: Uniquely different .Diversity is beautiful because God made us all different yet unique.

#3: Culture:  A group of people that are the same that celebrates the same holidays share the same values and are in the same community, church and within a certain radius.
Diversity: A different variety not the same and particularly unique.

    This week we discovered the definitions of culture and diversity and as I interviewed my three friends and family members I learned that everyone has their own definition of culture and diversity and there is not one definition that is better than the other. If I was given a chance to include every definition that I was given by the three that I interviewed and publish it in the dictionary then that will sum up my views of how I define diversity and culture.  Culture should be respected and valued by all diversities.


  1. You bring up a good point, can culture really be truly defined? It is so different to so many people, and this includes how their culture views culture. You also mention making a dictionary of all the definitions of culture. It would be interesting to have children define culture, or what makes them who they are, and make a book out of that.

  2. Great post. Very interesting way of looking at a butterfly. I agree with the fact that culture has many different definitions that are unique to those you ask and no one definition is better than the other.

  3. I too enjoyed your butterfly. A children's book on diversity and culture in comparison to a butterfly would be fun.
