Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Supports

In life we all have people/ things that support us on a daily basis. I am such a technology geek and I often find it hard to live without my cell phone and my laptop/ ipad. I teach lesson with these devices, check my daily routines with these devices and I indeed classify them as a support. But on a different note the real support in my life is my family, friends and my heavenly father.

On a daily basis I lean on my fiance` to help me with life's curve balls. I lean on my children to give me endless hugs, laughs and kisses. I depend on my other close family members to call me and check on me to see how things are going and to drop bits of positive energy in my hectic day.
I lean on my heavenly father daily to grant me with patience, a piece of mind, strength and energy to get through the things that a single mother of two have to endure. 

here are many challenges that I encounter daily but by relying on my crutches( my family, friends and heavenly father) I am able to be much more productive. If I did not have my supporters it would be difficult to function and to think about that gives me a slight headache. The are so many benefits of having such great people in my life which include the fact that they love me is enough for me to push through the day.

1 comment:

  1. Steffanie i really enjoyed your is nothing like having support from your family but, most all form our heavenly father because one thing we can rest assure that he got our back! and it very good for our kids to show support and let us no that they really appreciate us as mothers.
