Sunday, September 23, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are very important to everyone and to me they are really important!

Relationship # 1: The relationship between me and the man that I love! He is my voice when I don't have one, he is my muscle when I am weak and he is  one of the reasons I like to feel my heart beat.

Relationship#2: The relationship between me and my 2 children! My kids are the reasons why I decided to further my education. They are the reasons why I fight and continue to fight for what I know. They deserve so much out of this life. They are my breath of fresh air.

Relationship #3: My parents and my sisters: There is nothing like blood relatives! I am very blessed to come from a family that has dedicated themselves to helping each other but most importantly putting the creator first.

Relationship#4: Friends and Associates: These are the people that manage to make you or break you and yet they are still the people that we can't seem to live without.
It is rather apparent that I am a person that cherish the people that I surround myself with and as a result I am a contagiously happy person.
What type of Relationships do you have?

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