Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Beginning of my Research Journey

Excuse me children it's time to settle down! Stop dancing! Excuse me children!  These children need ...Classroom management! 

The topic that I would like to use for my research simulation is that of classroom management and the effects that it has on test scores or either a good foundation in the early years. We are all aware of how effective teachers influence the lives of our children but how does classroom management influence the children that we teach. As you can see I am all over the place with my thoughts and I am having a difficult time deciding which topic I am going to use for the research simulation. The research chart has helped a little but the main factor is narrowing down my topic. I will benefit from the help of my peers by accepting the advice that will be needed to push through this process. I solicit your prayers and encouragement! 


  1. Steffanie,
    At this stage, although topics have been chosen, I think we are all still a little bit all over the place. This can be a difficult decision to make when you are so passionate about so many different things. Maybe your general topic can be Classroom Management and your subtopics can be effects of test scores, influence on the life of the child, etc. Hope that helps but ultimately just be sure you have extreme interest in what you decide because research in my opinion can be extremely boring if its a topic you're not interested in.

  2. I love the animation! Steffaine I agree classroom management is very important in education children. I am a firm believer that an unstructured class cannot learn. Also, I agree with Towanda about sticking to the general topic of classroom management. Good luck
